The Ultimate Guide To Black Chicken Breeds

Ser Seng Herbs (Turtle) Restaurant Editor

December 17, 2021

Do you want to increase the strength of your backyard chickens? You have got great options in terms of black chicken breeds. Chinese black chicken soup is considered to be a delicious and popular dish in Singapore. That being said, we are going to look into the different types of black chickens that you can buy for your coop:-

1. Ayam Cemani

It is considered to be one of the most unique and rare black chickens. The Chinese black chicken soup made out of these chickens is deemed to be delicious. They are meant for meat as well as eggs. Each chicken in Ayam Cemani can produce about 80 eggs per year. It originally came to Indonesia and had a black heart.

2. Orpington

Orpington is considered to be a very common option as far as backyard coops are concerned. This bird was originated in England somewhere in the nineteenth century. Although the original Orpingtons were white, they are now found in black and buff colours as well. It is not entirely black but has black plumage. The average weight of an Orpington is 10 lbs. It can produce 150-300 eggs every year, thus making it a common option.

3. Australorp

This breed of black chickens can produce close to 300 eggs every year on average. If you want to raise a chicken as a pet, this is the best option that you have got. It is the looks of an Australorp that will force you to fall in love with it. They have got good layers in terms of their eggs. They can produce a significant amount of eggs every single week.

4. Silkies

When you look at silkies for the first time, it is generally very difficult to find out that it is a chicken. Having incredibly unique looks, it is an excellent option for Chinese black chicken soup as well. There are various varieties of this breed which is available all across the globe. While they are adorable in terms of looks, their meat is beneficial for your health. They can produce 100 eggs every year and can be kept as pets as well.

5. Langham

While the other names on this list can be found easily, Langham is considered to be endangered. It means that you wouldn’t be able to find it easily if you want to try Chinese black chicken soup. Their legs are feathered with plumage. It stops right before their toes. These are coming from China itself which makes it very suitable for Chinese black chicken soup.

6. Jersey Giant

As the name suggests, this breed of chickens is quite heavy in terms of size. It can weigh anywhere between 11 to 15 lbs. It also has the capacity of producing 150-200 eggs every single year. They are originated in the United States and can be considered as the boss of barnyard flocks. They are one of the largest breeds of black chicken all over the world.

These are some of the most common options in terms of black chickens. You will find numerous others, too, as long as you conduct your research nicely!

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