4 Softshell Turtle Recipes Worth Trying

Ser Seng Turtle Soup

July 22, 2019

The use of softshell turtle in preparing a delicious Chinese delicacy goes way back in the history of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Time has proven that it doesn’t only satisfy a craving tastebud but also pleases the body with the amount of nutrients it actually brings—protein and minerals among others.

Aside from your classic soup, how else can softshell turtles be enjoyed? Here’s a list of a few turtle recipes worth trying—approved by our resident cook at Ser Seng Herbs Turtle Restaurant!

  • Classic Turtle Soup

Starting off with the recipe that originated it all, turtle soup is the most classic way to prepare a softshell turtle—an oldie but still definitely a goodie. It’s reminiscent of the early days in Singapore that deserves to be tasted by the generations to follow. Prepare this recipe if you’re looking for the perfect comfort food on a bad day, rainy day, or even just any kind of day. Follow the recipe here.

  • Softshell Turtle Curry

Give your curry recipe a twist by substituting softshell turtle with your usual meat. Not only is it much tastier, but it is also proven to contain so many nutrients with a lower calorie count. Prepare this dish to impress visitors coming over, celebrate an important family milestone, or if you want to make something special for your loved one. Follow the recipe here.

  • Softshell Turtle Stew

Take your typical stew recipe to a whole new level. Instead of using beef, use softshell to make a regular meal extra special. Softshell turtle is said to be at par with beef’s protein content but with lower calories, let alone cholesterol. Prepare this dish on a normal lunch or dinner setup and prepare to receive compliments from your guests. Follow the recipe here.

  • Fried Softshell Turtle

Wondering how to get your kids to eat more nutritious food? This recipe is a great idea for your dilemma. Cook your softshell turtle the way you would usually do your children’s favourite fried chicken. This will surely impress them and get them to take in more nutrients in their body. Prepare this recipe on a school day—as school lunch or meal after a long day of studying. Follow the recipe here.

The ideas are absolutely endless! Let your creativity flourish in using softshell turtle to create dishes that are out of the ordinary. Alternatively, you can always go visit us at Ser Seng Herbs Turtle Restaurant, located at 39, Thai Thong Crescent, for an effortless comfort food. We’re open from Tuesdays to Sundays, from 11 am to 9 pm.

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