Turtle Egg

Turtle Egg Dish at Ser Seng

Softshell turtle eggs are served either half boiled or cooked. It is flavourful and rich in nutrients. Whether you’re just keen on tasting it for the first time, or a long-time fan of our soup offerings who couldn’t get enough of our turtle eggs, this add-on dish is perfect for you.

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    Ser Seng Herbs Turtle Soup is open from 11AM to 9PM every Tuesday to Sunday. We are able to seat only a number of guests. Reservation of a table must be done at least two (2) hours before to be accommodated. A reserved table could be given to another group if the party is not present. It is suggested that you arrived a few minutes before your reserved time. In case of delay or cancellation of bookings, you may contact us at +6562876341.

    Rest assured that the information you will provide to Ser Seng Herbs Turtle Soup will be kept secured and private. These information shall only be used for reservation purposes.

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