What Our Patrons Like To Order for Delivery

Ser Seng Turtle Soup

September 17, 2020

We have to admit that some foods have surprising health benefits. The good thing is it’s always easier to order online than standing on a queue for hours just to buy whatever you want at a nearby store. People see restrictions here and there, so this is the perfect time to have other means of business transaction in every part of the world.

What do our patrons say about Ser Seng Food Delivery Service?

The service is definitely fast and reliable. Our customers like it since we always prepare authentic dishes, and when we say it, we walk our talk.

Ser Seng’s food quality is the best in the industry since it focuses on rare, unique cuisine that caters to different preferences, cultures and tastes. It is indeed alarming today that there are unhealthy foods being sold at shops and restaurants.

Ser Seng typically attracts people who are far different from the majority. The restaurant attracts not only the turtle soup lovers but a health-conscious crowd that can potentially make the environment a better place to live. Customers prefer ordering online because the menu offers real health benefits at a reasonable price.

What our customers are looking for

Typically, the best sellers we have are turtle soup, black chicken and pepper tripe soup. You can expect that all these have wonderful and helpful health benefits.

  • Turtle Soup – Customers don’t forget ordering this dish at our restaurant or online. The soup is surely delicious and supplemented with turtle eggs that are high in protein. The turtle’s meat has just the right amount of serving per bowl. The flavor is just perfect since we use just the right set of fine ingredients. This meal is definitely on top of our best sellers list.
  • Black Chicken Soup – Another meal that has protein in it. One good thing to learn is that protein helps to support and build muscles. Black chicken has iron and antioxidants that can fight certain illnesses. It definitely helps people who have weaker immune systems and iron deficiency.
  • Pepper Tripe Soup – This is indeed another favourite item on the list of people wanting to order. Some customers want to order rice along with it. It is rich in protein and vitamin B12. So, eat this before hitting the gym for faster results. Make sure you have a 3-hour interval.

Talk to us!

We value our customers the same way we value our business. Does it sound familiar to you? Here at Ser Seng, we always want to hear your thoughts on how we can further improve to help and serve more customers. When we say service, we really mean it. Customers have visited our restaurant and ordered online. Guess what? They had great feedback. Get in touch with us now and we can’t wait to hear from you!

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